Tales of Adventure!
It has been requested (thanks, postman!!!) that I might set up a place for you to share some of the excitement going on at school these days. Many of you have been involved in special trips, events, programs, camps, etc. etc.
So.....what's up everyone??? We'd love to hear your 'tales of adventure'........
Tales from the South District: Number One- The Adventure at Laurier
As per my standard storytelling format about current events, I shall give you information in a blow-by-blow format, with other little tidbits thrown in! Brace Yourselves....
Postman's Journal, Earth Date 12 June 2006, Terra Firma, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy- A Monday.
6:55 A.M. Uhg. Must wake up. Wait... trip to Laurier today... HUSTLE!
7:24: I have to be at the residence on Seagram drive by 1:30 for registration, meaning I have the first four periods of school available to me. My bag can be packed lightly; All I need is Core (Math/English) for the first three periods and French for the fourth. It's day 2 of 7 today; when I'll be back on Thursday it shall be day 5.
7:40: My trip supplies are packed in the van; I now leave for school via foot. Between 12:30 and 1:00 my momwill come by on her break from her job as an EA at W.T.T. to drive me to the residence. The plans are set; it just need to take motion.
12:27 P.M.: I am in the office, it's second break. I eagerly await for the arrival of my parent....
12:32: Still not here. The office is cramming up with campees like me who are awaiteing pick-up; we are all sent out into the hall to wait. I step outside for some fresh air and wait patiently.
12: 57: Ride arrives. I'm off.
1:31: Arrival at the Residence. I get out, lugging bag, sleeping bag, and lime pillow. I trail behind the V.P. of my school and enter the front entrance. From ther I am given a nametag emblazoned in the colour of team red. Team red, I learned, was actually one of two Laurentian teams, the other being green, as we were the largest school. Other schools were assigned only one colour, orange, yellow, blue, or purple. I enter the main Common room, complete with fireplance, and unfold on a couch several Laurentian students had gathered already, and more were flowing in until all had arrive by 2:30. But the journey had only just begun....
I have to leave to do a job now and won't be back to write probably until tomorrow... until that time, I'm
Rocking On,
Postman Craig
Our school is packed with "adventures" everyday-we had a presentation by the red cross, in science class we are having boat races outside, Lots of the girls (including me) have been able to skip class to swing dance with other classes when they have gym because there is a shortage of girls in almost every classroom-which means they have to borrow girls for the guys to dance with, we have recently had paramedics at our school to take someone to the hospital via ambulance(I was in the office while all of this was happening around me and had to answer the phones politely while the girl was having her blood pressure taken-scary!) and the police also came because they have to come during every emergency, and at that time, someone else decided to steal a bike and now has a $5,000 fine,( the police saw it happening), We have a year
end trip coming up on thursday and friday of next week to niagara falls and have meetings coming up, in Fench class yesterday we played bingo and the day before that we played battleship, we are also playing bingo in spelling class and the list goes on and on and on and on........ Welcome to Park Manor!!
P.S-the next blog by M&M will be from my friend(Agent Claire Benham) because we both love the craziness that happens day to day at our school!
Thursday night aliens invaded our school and painted every single surface in our school fuschia with neon yellow polka dots.they also glued maccaroni to our walls with their super duper glue blasters. They also super duper glue blasted whoopee cushions to every single chair.They shaved everyone's heads and painted flowers on thier now bare skinned heads. Theese aliens brainwashed all the teachers and programmed them to give out no homework and let school out four hours and 12 minutes and 47 seconds early. So now we don't have to go to school on Friday Yeah!!!!!!!
Agent Claire Benham
aka My good friend who does not wish to be named in case there is anyone who could potentially be a threat to her or her family.
This weekend, as part of the "Voyageur Club" I went to Cyprus lake on the Bruce Penisula. This is not to be confused with Cyprus around Greece. I told my substitute LA teacher on Friday I was going to Cyprus, and he was quite bewildered that I was only going for 3 days, and it cost $4. Anyway, I left school Friday at secong break, had lunch, and went on my way with my dad. Three hours later we were there. We went on a hike to the Grotto, which is a cave that has an underwater enterance, and I had been there before, but those who hadn't..... It's amazing there is a white stone beach, the water is clear as the deepest part of Georgian Bay (did I mention it was on Georgian Bay.....) is just out the shore, there are peeks along the shore, making all little bays, sedimentary rock is by its side, it looks as it's tropical. Then you touche the water. AHHHHHHHHHHHH. As I mention the deepest part is very close, and therefore, the water is FREEZING!!!!!!!!!! I estimate it is only 10 degrees celcius. Anyway, only a fool deardevil would go in, and that's right, Saturday the whole group went swimming. Your feet go numb after 10 seconds, and if you're brave enough to go the rest of the way, it goes numb. We went for a hike along the shore line on Saturday, another around Cyprus lake, roasted marshmellows, and went on another hike an Sunday. It was to "Over hang point" It's a huge over hang that you can go out on. We then went under the Over hang. After that we went to Tobermory (the town near by) and had lunch, then headed home again.
I am hoping to get to the Tobermory area this summer, so I read with great interest your 'review'! The Grotto sounds incredible and I just love foot-numbing, cold, clear Georgian Bay Water - there's nothing like it! Thanks for sharing!
Wednesday Ida Mornin' I will have to be at school for 5:30, as that day I leave for a triple day of packed tourism of our nation's capital as an end- of-year trip. Prepare to watch as I dodge security and try to run the government MY way! Sorry... I just played too much 'Bond at my friend's house.
Also, in class, two great incidents have occured, both in English. In conjunction with one another, my class is completing lyric study projects for tomorrow, where we examine songs of our choice for social implications. Although we were supposed to perform internet searches for material, this project made me feel nostalgic of McQuarrie, so I opted to do "War" by Bob Marley and "Money for Floods" by Joan Baez instead. What fun!
And the second thing? This is a ballad. WAAAAAYYY back in ye olde April, I noticed an unusual photocopy on my teacher's desk as I was roaming the portable in pre-school hours. It was an article on Wal-Mart protestors. Just then, aye, Mr. I walked in and noticed me reading the article. He mentionedd to me that he had a unit planned for the end of the year about the evils of the accursed company.He said he wanted to have a video presentation to go along with it, but he had had no luck in findinga proper video. Well, I said to this man, "There's a very good video that came out last year on this subject."
And so, truth be told, here I am, in calss, watching "Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price." Far Out, ain't it now?
Rocking On,
Postman Craig
Postman's journal, Earth Day 12 June 2006, Terra Firma, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy.
2:30 P.M. Red Squadron gathers in the common room as we learn the rules of the campus. Then, we set out for a tour of the campus, of which it was confusing naught. Not to mention, we got a snack of cookies! Bonus!
3:06: Opening ceremonies. We are welcomed to Laurier (Sadly, not by an old wizard- headmaster.)
Each team invents a team cheer, and presents it as loudly as possible. I was required as lead male bass guy or something to that effect.
3:37: First course of the excursion: Theatre. Oh yes.
Hre, we did warm up, and then we were divided into four smaller groups, where we travlled to smaller room and came up with skits. My group performed a masquerade, as we putt on coloured masks and invented characters, such as a Homeless Runaway Gangster, a 10 year old girl, an 8 year old Italian, an old man who used to work at McDonald's, a 16 year old Finnish girl, and, of course, me, A 21 year old Scottish immigrant who is a recluse, mechanical genius, and who works at a tire factory.
Once that was in place, we presented our skit in front of Red Group, as a sort of bus stop conversation- themed presentation. But the best was yet to come.
5:03: Suppertime.
6:02: Biology with longtime professor and daughter of a drill sergeant. A scary introduction, but the nshe turned out to be a real nice person. I inspected the workings of a plant, as well as got under the microscope to examine microscopic water life and a deatailed examination of a spider and nail polish- very ugly.
8:08: Drama Presentation- in front of all Laurentian (both Red and Green Squads.) This time, we did a somewhat improved elevator skit after a short introduction of characters. It's way too complicated to explain- but the crowd loved it.
9:13: Free roam. I chill in the common room with a few other relations on very "interesting" topics.
10:37: I get ready to sleep and hit the sack. MUST SLEEP.
But ther's still more... tune in next time to hear Craig in his amazing adventure at Laurier #3: The day of the dance!
Rocking On,
Postman Craig
I sprained my finger in volleyball yesterday and since the clinics were all closed, we had to go to the ER and I was never seen by a doctor after waiting for 6 hours so we just left and I went to the clinic today.
You guys rock at writing!
Craig-this workshop sounds very very interesting!!!I am super excited to be going on our 2-day year end trip on Thursday-2 days and counting!!!!!
Well, Friday I came back from my end of school yeaer trip to Ottawa, so, with that fresh in my mind, I wish to tell you about it... with the way the Laurier is dragging on, I'll put Ottawa into a more condensed format. Speaking of condensing, I just got the condensed look at the 3rd term of the school year back- report card! Not to mention a second report card from no place other that the McQuarrie Enrichment Center! (I like how it was formatted to give the student the "last word." ) Far Out! I have to say, Grade 8 has been one of my best school years, with no less of the kudos going to McQ! Maybe only this year, but short is sweet, so they say, and don't expect me to be off the radar yet...
... Alright, enough with the sentimental remarks, grab your popcorn, turn down the lights, and get ready for...
Postman's Journal, Earth Date 21 June 2006 A.D., Terra Firma, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy- A Wednesday.
Aye, there it was, me gettng up at 4:18 Ida Mornin'. My bag had almost all been packed last night; get up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush teeth, and throw the remaining toiletries into the duffel bag and off I went via my father's truck to arrive at the school before 5:30 in the gym. I t was a chilly moning, but it promised a sunny day as the sun was slowly rising ahead of us out of the driveway. I arrive approximately 4 minutes before half past, make a break for the gym throught the front entrance and arrive in a midst of a vast number of students who, unlike me, WAY over- packed. I ambled around, until my memory cleared out to me that I was in Mr. Mitchell's group and ambled my way towards bus C, where my partners in crime stood waiting there for me.
We were right on schedule when it came to preperations. We got fully organized, did a head count, and headed out to the school ring-road where the Cherrey coaches awaited. I found the one labled "C," heaved my bag into the cargo hold and climbed aboard, next to my good Spanish friend Alcy Alberto Acevedo Castillo Jose Jr. etc, etc. With a name like that, you can imagine what a character he is. Well, we were 8 minutes off our 6:00 start in an attempt to beat Toronto traffic, but we eventually started on our way.
The trip to Ottawa was pretty uneventful. We got stuck in an infamous Toronto traffic jam, stopped at midpoint for a mini-lunch break, and ended up watching both Grease and Ice Age before reaching the capital city.
Once in the Big City of low- to mid- rise buildings, due to the fact that no building can be taller that the Parlimentary Peace Tower, we headed straight to the Hilton, where we got organized into our rooming groups of four and gained our keys. Probably one of the worst parts of the trip was the hotel. I was on the top floor, level 10, (with room 1008,) the shower only had three temperature settings (Ice Cold, Cold, and Scalding, and the hotel, by no accident, was "conveniently" located next to a strip club. Yeah, that usually spells certain doom on any school trip.
But alas, we had no problems. The day was filled with excitement, as we headed to the war museum, where I got to view a prototype tracked Jeep (the only one in existence,) 40- pounder repeating mortar guns, authentic Lancaster squad decorations, and I interestingly enough got to touch Hitler's personal vehicle (it feels like any other, just so you know.) Following that excellent adventure, we had time to spare, and went to the Rideau centre for some shopping. My friends decided it would be a great idea to deck out Craig in some of their favorite gear, so they bought me a double extra large shirt for the upcoming dance cruise. Well, all fine and dandy.
The shopping excursion was followed by dinign out at a Chinese- Canadian restaurant, and an informative walking tour of Ottawa, including Market Sqaure, the U.S. Embassy, Parliment Hill, The Royal Mint, The Bank of Canada, and the Monuments to War, Peace, and Freedom.
Day 2, Thursday, was no less exciting as we eat breakfast at a restaurant with no windows (space where there should be some), and travel to the National Art Gallery, Museum of Ancient Civilization
(with IMaX film on Ancient Greece, ) Took a bus tour of Ottawa, got to see the Prime Minister leave for work, Evening meal at an Italian Buffet, and, the big kicker- the Dance cruise on the Ottawa river, lasting from 8:00 until 11:00. This is where the shirt came in handy, topped off with my hair gelled down over a light blue bandana (the Spanish National Colour.) And it looked really, really, good. Extremely good. Lots of pictures good. But on with the adventure now.
Friday- our last day. We were exhausted. But we still ate at a British pub for Breakfast, took at tour of the Governor General's house, and explored the National Air Museum. Well, we headed home soon after, having cleaned our room the night before, again taking a stop at midpoint, and arrived 43 minutes late at school at 7:43. Pumped about the trip, I got a lift home, actually ate soem supper, and fell asleep shortly after to catch up on all the sleep I missed.
Postman's Journal, Earth Date 27 June 2006 A.D., Terra Firma, Sol System, Alpha Quadrant, Milky Way Galaxy- A Tuesday.
Well, that concludes the second Tale from the South District. Stayed Tuned for the final two installments of Tale #1, and catch me around off- and on- all summer and throught all next year, as I keep you posted on the Fast Times, not at Ridgemount High, but Cameron, in the I.B. program.
Yours aye, Rocking On,
Postman Craig
Salutaions, Home Slice! What Up With Thee? Well, Join in and Give Us the 4-1-1 on Incidents in your life!
Rocking On,
Postman Craig
My Fellow McQuarrie Students,
Tomorrow is the day that I "officially" graduate. Ceremony at 5:30 until 8:00. Dance afterwards until 11:00 (all P.M. times.) It has come to my sad realization that I will probably never see you face- to- face again (if I never did, not so much of a problem.) I have moved on in life. I really find it hard to be sentimental. It's not my way. But here's to giving it a try, to exploring new things... I now Boldy Go to Stange New Worlds.
But, never say never! And life is uncertain... eat dessert first!
Rocking On,
Postman Craig
I wish you nothing but success and happiness. By!
See ya Postman Craig. Good Luck
I hope you are havign a good summer! Or, depending on when you read this, had a good summer. I do believe that once the school years starts up again that we should share our adventures from our unique holiday time- off at this spot on the Internet road map. Well, then maybe I'll get around to actually finishing both my long tales of adventure. Funny... I can never get around to finishing stories. But that makes me like Hollywood... wait three years for the sequel! (Unless, of course, you are filming infamous 'Potter or Pirates of the Carribean.)
As far as memory serves me (somewhat sketchy in cases relating to where people are, Ms. Watt is not on the boards doing monitoring, correct? And thaat be why none of you fine lads are on, correct? Well at the soonest possible date let me know (with my luck, September 6th.) 'Cause I'll be watching the boards, as usual...
Well, off I go know. Remember, No matter where you go, there you are. And I'll be back. MUAH! MUAH! MUAH!
Rocking On,
Postman Craig.
Hey all
I have immensly enjoyed getting up and not really having to do anything but school is once again arriving(12 days and counting....)
I have also been checking in every once in a while but no one(excpet for Postman Craig of course) has been writing. How have your summers all been?? THe best of mine is yet to come( I think) we are spending time with some friends at their rented cottage at the Lake of Bays. Good times will be had by all. I hope to hear from some of you soon......
Everyone's been very quiet lately. I just came to check if anyone had updated, cause I'm bored at 2 a.m. and my sleeping schedule is all messed up. Can't wait to see you all this year, and does anyone know when the open house is? (When you go to get the bus forms, meet your class, etc.)
This happened weeks ago, NOT IN MY SCHOOL, but I would love to share the experience, and to keep this blog alive.
Star-date:60354.9 Captain's log:
We went to the gem show at U of T, there were alot of beautiful gems to stare at, but they are not the best part of it. We walked into a little room from a maze like hall way that took me a long to found, and a spark of lightening lit the ceiling with white. That was the physics curcius-another face of nature. There were alot of things to be amused of in there, but my favourite was the superconductive magnetic train. It never touched the railway, yet it hovered frictionlessly above. I saw another dude from MCQ (though in the full time class), he was talking with the director about the significance of this technology.
Ahhh... Hve to go now!
Hello! By the way, that day I also went to this chemistry show. It was supplended!!! The colors of the liquids kept changing because of different chemicals in the cup. It was the beauty of nature.
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