Friday, May 26, 2006

Once upon a time ...

Julie realized that the light was now too dim to take any more photographs. Luckily, she had been able to take about 30 shots before it became too dark. She carefully took the zoom lens off her new Canon and reached behind her for the camera bag.

Why don't you put your creative talents to work and add a paragraph to this story?
We'll read what we create in class this week!

Thanks to for the idea for this story starter.


At 27/5/06 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW Ms Watt! I think it's a great idea! I looove these kind of activities! I just don't have time to do anything right now, but I want to write something before Tuesday for sure!!

At 28/5/06 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It had been a long, hard day racing around the rural backroads of southern Ontario. Her assignment had been to takeshots of some of the historical sites in the province, for a calendar to be pulished, so she was told. She was a contractor under the specialized department of Kawartha Lakes Remax, but most of her duties took her far from here hometown of Beaverton.
The sun was slowly setting, a giant orange fireball majestically silhouetted against the backdrop of trees and the ancient storefront downtown of Shakespeare. Her overseer has called her moments ago, to inform her that her next day's assignment was to be capturing the farms of the area between Port Rowan and Port Dover, so she decided it would be best to travel down as far as she could before dusk had settled in, and find a nice little hotle to stay in. She finished packing here things, flung them in the backseat of her older model Toyota Corolla, and set off into the sunset with a deep sigh of relier after the long day.

Oops... two paragraphs. Sorry 'bout that. They are a calm, unsuspicous setup for an intruging story, I presume?

Rocking On,

Postman Craig

At 29/5/06 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna write it at home on paper. Don't have time to type at the moment.

At 29/5/06 9:26 PM, Blogger Ms Watt said...

I'm sure your story will be terrific Sapphire and I'll look forward to seeing it tomorrow, but if anyone has time to actually add a paragraph here on the blog (even a short one!) then the rest of us can read it, be inspired, and write the next one, inspire the next writer, and so on and so on.
Go ahead folks.....give us your stuff! Craig gave us a great start - let's keep it going!

At 29/5/06 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way postman craig, I think you're quite talented when it comes to writing. Great beginning! It leaves room for many possibilties!

At 30/5/06 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When she finally reached a suitable hotel for the night, she sat down in her room to think about the days work and how to go about tommorrows work. She really did love all the photography she got to do with her job and she loved to travel but it was hard to always be uprouted and never able to settle in any of the nice places she saw, but just like every night she look out her window at the beautiful sky and decided that her love of the job and all the traveling was worth moving around after all she rarely left Ontario.So she settled in for the night and thought about what kind of shots would work best for her next assignment.

I,m not sure about the spelling or grammar but it's a idea for an addition to the great start of postman craig

At 30/5/06 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(continue to Postman craig's) As Julie drove in her car which was covered with dust caused by her travellings, she daydreamed and thought back to her rare and amazing adventures and what was to come when she went to capture the glamerous scenes of Port Roven and Port Dover. Her bones were shivering with excitement. How lucky I am she whispered to herself in a dreamy soft voice. As she began to turn at the curve of the rocky road she caught a never ending glance at the shining gold rays descending from the massive glittering star of the morning as they disappeared behind the mountains and sbhe knew no more.

At 30/5/06 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She shifted her weight and began trailing towards the endless ribbon of trees. The delicate shrub branches tickled her bare shoulders and she shivered in the evening breeze. Julie could feel her hair become unleashed from the wind and her imagination took her away from the orchord, to her beautiful dreamland. Her daydream was interupted by a stray cattle wondering fearfully between the apple trees. She turned around and captured the image in her mind she had been trying to capture all evening. Her mind could imagine the headline news, with her perfect picture inked on the cover. "CATTLE WONDER THROUGH ORCHARD." She took out her camera nd gently clicked the lenses into position. As she always did before a picture she brushed her hair back, smoothing it's gleaming black curls. Julies eyes pierced through the eyehole as she tapped the silver button and marveled at the mere thought of her picture finnally making the front cover.
A twillight gleam followed her smile all the way through the orchard to her quante farm house she shared with her mother, father, two brothers and sister. The door moaned as she opened it. Julie slipped her shoes onto the floor silently slipped through the door to her bedroom. She knew her parents were out at a late night party. The kind they went to all the time leaving her and her siblings to a microwaved meal and a late night. She loved her parents but could never get over the hangovers her mother always came home with and her dad's carefree life. It wasn't fair that most of the time my brother or I were the ones picking and selling the produce.
Julie reached up to turn on her light and was shaken by a terrifting suprise. The scruffy whiskers on a mans warm face sent a powerful shiver down her spine, and a parade of intense fear spiralled around her. An earspliting scream ripped through her lips. She ran into the hall and could see her brother tripping down the stairs at an incredible speed. Look I pointed tripping aroundd the matt at the front door. The silouette of a man's body hunched akwardly through a window and ran into a tinted car parked just outside the house. A roaring smoke sputed messily from the exaust pipe sending the black sports car onto the road and into past the horizan. I ran horrified to the phone, my brother on my heels. I stopped on a dime when a mind betraying thought exploited through my mind. He was after my pictures...

At 31/5/06 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carefully packing up her camera, she grabbed her wand from her robe. Just then, her good friend: Harry Potter, walked in. After catching up on each other's day, they headed toward the graet hall for supper. But, before they were able to arrive there, they were kidnapped by...


At 31/5/06 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sevarus Snape! "You horrid little meddling things! I shall deliver you both to The Dark Lord!!" First of all, we'er 20 years old,"said Harry through gritted teeth and sweat, "and let Julie go! She's got nothing to do with this, you mass of grease!"
"wHY YOU LITTLE..." but Snape was interrupted by....

At 31/5/06 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: How did this story change into Harry Potter? Iwould Just Like to know.

At 31/5/06 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Polar Bear who was well known for manipulating the Amazon's Ambassadors bartenders, roommate. The Polar bear and his squirmy little friend the salsa dancing accountant. They were after the Key to everlasting milkshakes, Along with the key there was...

At 31/5/06 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

another key, which lead to another key which lead to another key, which lead to another key, which lead to another key that lead to another key and finally which lead to another key. Nobody knew the importance of the key but the obnoxious polar bear and the Bernstein Bear fan accountant wanted it incase it lead to...

At 1/6/06 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

POLER BEAR?! HUH?! Harry Potter makes more sense!

At 1/6/06 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Polar Bears, Harry Potter where do you two come up with this stuf??? jeeze!


At 3/6/06 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The polar bera was no ordinairy bear.It was a best friend of The Dark Lord! hE was aslo competing against Snape to be The Lord's favourite. "We're even now aren't we boss?" asked the bear's assisstance.
"Yes, we are my friend. We've got the key, and Snapes got the Potter boy and Julie.BUT I want to kidnap both kids so I'll get ven more credit from the lord," whispered the greedy bear.
"Yo, boss? What does The Dark Lord want with the kids anyways?" Asked the confused Berenstein bear.
"That, my friend, is none of your buissness!" came the cold slimy voice of Voldemort, who had crept up right behind them ready to strike....

At 3/6/06 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm Just Kidding," chuckled Voldemort. "I'm using them to get to get them to go to IRS and for them to attemt to lower my taxes." "Yes, very smart Boss" replied Voldemort, "You know how the IRS can be"

At 3/6/06 4:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In any sense, I have to put forth that, according to my humble calculations, the psot provided by Janelle, Sapphire, Flip-Flop's first post, and, of course, mine, seem to make the most logical sense of the paragraph originally given. But please do continue the Potter-Bear story... quite fascinating indeed...

Rocking On,

Postman Craig

P.S. Hey! I had an idea! Since our character is Julie, friend of Harry Potter, why not we develop "Julie" to be Hermione's middle name, a name only revealed to her best (and only) friends, making here Hermione Julia Granger. I Like It!

At 3/6/06 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh yes, boss" replied the polar bear. "they've been giving me a hard time about my loft. YOu know they seem to think that it is worth more than it is. They seem to want to make me raise my taxes. The Lucky loon his house is down as being worth 1 galleon when it should be 56850964569557459643854638754356842653486534856438754224687652847246376 galleons. He really is Lucky"

At 4/6/06 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Sorry, for my last post, for some reason it says anonymous)

Snape was vicious. He couldn't wait to get Potter and Julie, or rather the dirty mud-blood Granger to The Dark Lord. "Yo, Voldemort, I got them here!" He shouted with pleasure as he landed with his scrawny broom which was about to fall apart.
"Now, now Snape, remember what happened last time you disrespected me?" whispered Voldemort.
"You were about to be my lunch!" shrieked the excited Polar bear.
"YYYES,I...remember, my lord," stuttered old Snape.
"Now, Potter and Julie, how are you feeling?" Voldemort ran his hand across Harry's scar.
"AAAAHHHHHH!" shouted Harry with agony.
"Stop it, stop it, you filthy beast!" yelled Julie through tears.

At 5/6/06 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why Julie you know me and Harry are best buds, I wouldn't hurt him, You know Harry we should some time play some cricket, or better yet some rock paper scissors, Your rock paper scissors fACE looks amazing" chuckled Voldemort.
"You know Voldemort you really are a cool guy, we should go out to Starbucks some time" replied Harry.
"Sure" said Voldemort

At 5/6/06 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Voldemort smiled grimly and calmly stated,"I hate coffee." Then he chuckled with a muah ha ha and pulled out his magical monkey named Mark from his pocket. "Mark will take care of you caffeine addicted fools!" he said in a strange highpitched voice.

At 5/6/06 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story is turning out to be quite amusing! I think if my Harry Potter crazy twin cousin were here she'd freak out."You guys have ruined the real plot of this story! Voldemort talking like THAT!NEVVEEEER!!!" Ha ha ha!Keep writing!

At 8/6/06 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You know I never can understand why people don't like coffee I mean That cocoa goodness is jsut to to good to be true" giggled harry." I've always been more of a mint flavour with a tinge of orange and rasberry flavoured tea drinker. You just can't get that quality at starbucks." replied The big V (Voldemort)

At 8/6/06 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You two are FRIENDS?!" asked Hermione with awe.

At 9/6/06 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just Suddenly, a strange shimmer and floating blue lights appeared behind the Dark Lord.
"What the..." Voldemort said, whirling around.
Suddenly, out of the transporter beam came Captain Kirk. He jerked opened his communicator, which cheerfully chirped, and reported with his calm, stop-start voice.
"Mr. Spock, I've landed safely, and I have the Dark Lord cornered. Signal the others!"
A logical confirmation came from the other end.
A lash of lightning came from overhead as a black starfighter whizzed out overhead with a droning shriek. It quickly landed beside Kirk, with its top hatch blasting open. Out of the ie Fighter force-leaped Darth Vader, his Omnious presence felt by all.
Almost immediately afterwards there was yet another flash of Brilliant Light. An old wizard mounted on a mavellous white steed came rushing outwards, wit hstaff in hand, from which the light was eminating. A horrify screetch follow, and out of that light came a fell beast, mounted by the Captain of the Nine, the Witch-King, lord of Angamar.
The old wizard dismounted, and walked forward to a confused Hermione, Harry, bears, and Snape, and a rather befuddled Voldemort, who rather stupidly stood there.
The wizard walked, white robes flailing behind him, leaning heavily on his staff. He grunted and stood up straight, right before Voldemort.
He spoke gruffly. "I am Gandalf, the White Wizard. I, and these others, Dart Vader, Lord of the Sith, James Tiberius Kirk, Federation Starship Captain, and The Witch- King, Lord of Minas Morgul, are here on a mission. That mission is to free the world of scuffy- looking dictatorly- ruling, twisted- minded hoolagins like you, Lord Voldemort... and your loyal servants. You will know us as... The Fantastic Four."

"I've heard ENOUGH!" Proclaimed Snape. He viciously lunged forward at the Fantastic Four. "AVADACADBRA!!!!"
Sensing the Force, Darth Vader shot out his lightsaber, and with a familiar WWWHHZZZZ deflected the spell back at the Potions Master. Snape became fridged and full backwards with a moan and a satisfying thunk.
Vader mumbled something to the effect of he absolutely hated having to do that but was left with no choice when the opponent is desperate.
Kirk set his phaser for stun and knocked out the one polar bear; Gandalf pointed his staff at the other bear, who keeled over and fell asleep with a loud, droning snore.
The Witch-King, having been silent all this time, finally spoke. "And now, Lord Voldemort, you shall face the consiquences by..."
"WAIT!!!!" Vader Interrupted. "I have an important message- for Miss Ganger."
"M-M-ME?" Hermione-Julie responded, unsure.
"Yes, you. I have been needing to tell you this for a long, long time. Julie... I am your father's sister's cousin's brother's uncle's mother's grandfather's wife's sister- in- law's friend's cousin's, twice removed, roomate. Search your feeling. You know it to be true."
Hermione pondered that for a moment.
"In other words, you have no relation to me," she said after a while.
"Correct," replied Darth Vader.
"Oh... It's a pleasure to meet you!"
The Witch- King Cleared his throat, and spoke once more.
"So, Voldemort, as I was saying, the consiquences for you actions will be..."

At 9/6/06 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA HA HA! You're so talented, I mean how on earth do you come up with all of that?! Can't write much. Gotta go.

At 11/6/06 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm continuing from the first original story.

Just as she turned around she saw a mysterious figure right in front of her.
Apparently this mysterios figure didn't like her taking pictues of fish for her english assignment which was assigned by the extremely ugly english teacher Mr. Roseabutton. Julie realized just then that this mysterios figure wasn't so mysterios after all. It turned out to be the weird librarian with the wart on the very tip of her nose. The librarian seemed upset."why are you upset" Julie asked her. "because you were taking pictures of my secretly mutated fish which i secretly mutated in my secret mutation lab. Because of this i will have to stuff you in this sack and mail you to tanzania" the librarian replied. " Okay that sounds reasonable" Julie agreed "Begin the stuffing'

And Julie spent the rest of her life happliy living in tanzania with her bout 30 pictures of the crazy librarian's mutated fish.

The end

P.s. this isn't from emma this is from emma's friend agent Claire benham

At 12/6/06 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A night out to the mischieviouis land of Neverland. You will be forced to remain there with the lost boys and Peter Pan. While you are there Beowulf will come to your rescue from jack Johnson who has gotten into the wrong crowd with some squirrels with scissors. He is feeling for the first time peer pressure.

At 20/9/06 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

U people r WACKY!

At 28/7/08 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

classic story. love the polar bear and the salsa loving accountant.


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