Taking IT Global
Good Morning!
At the conference last week, I met a young man named Luke Walker who is the Education Program Manager for the organization 'Taking IT Global'. To take a quotation from the home page of their website, "TakingITGlobal.org is an online community that connects youth to find inspiration, access information, get involved, and take action in their local and global communities. It is now the world's most popular online community for young people interested in making a difference, with hundreds of thousands of unique visitors each month. TIG's highly interactive website provides a platform for expression, connection to opportunities, and support for action."
My challenge to you, as McQuarrie students interested in Global Issues, is to visit their website, go to the various links, and offer your comments here. You can comment on the featured theme, other issues of particular interest to you, discussion forums, special TIG projects, or anything else that you would like to share with our group. I am considering joining the TIGEd program - you may look into this and give me your comment on this as well. This is a fantastic website - I hope you enjoy visiting it!
Ms Watt
Well, well, well... where to start?
I personally liked the overall feel of the website; it was easy to navigate, with information at every corner. It would take days to rummage through it all, and there's always more added!
It's really wonderful that it all started out with one person's vision, being young, and then now we have this worldwide presence, with apparently over 100,000 members, not to mention dem connections with the big- shots; as it was said on the website: "TakingITGlobal works with global partners-from UN agencies, to major companies, and especially youth organizations..."
Of course, that comes at no surprise! And, they really do cover every kind of issue, especially on the 'boards; I was particularly intrested in the Da Vinci Code forum... but you already knew that.
Well, all of you (student/peers, anyways) probably are hating me for posting a long comment and are probably threatening to throw something at me because this is the internet and you're not soppusted to make long post- comments on the internet... so I'll stop typing... for now. (Dramatic Accent queues)
Rocking On,
"Postman" Craig
Wow... There is just so much information there that it's almost overwhelming. I love the fact that they have a "Featured" section, because it makes all of the problems that they address seem a bit more manageable. Awesome idea!
I was really impressed by the country's map-if you don't know what I am talking about you defanitly need to check it out. you can focus on a general section of our world and then narrow it down to a country-they even have country sites with loads of info and news articles about this country-a great website!!
What a great start to this dialogue! Thanks everyone who got this blog action going so quickly!
What a great site, eh??
Go go go ....
Indeed, the map is truly impressive, not unlike ones privded by top web services. Technology really enhances the quality of the information, and, of course, makes it really easy to get the word out on global issues!
P.S.~~>And I would know about technology... because I'M A LUMBERJACK! (If you don't know, you will soon...)
Cool. That site seems so plain on the front page. When you explore all the links it is really an experience. I hope everybody gives it a shot.
I read some of the poetry and it is suprisignly good. There are so many hidden elements. It takes quite awhlie to figure out what it all means, but when you do you relise how elaborite it is.
This is a great site for pondering. Can't wait to learn more!
The site was AMAZING!! The articles were just sooooo thought provoking!!! I am overwhelmed. It makes you realize just how many global issues there are out there that you need to care about and think about. How I'd love to sign up and post comments for that website. I'm going to look into that. I think that it's great way to spend one's time. I have to check it out even more. There are so many things to explore and investigate you never get tired. I think that it's the best website that I've ever seen so far.I'm going to give the website to my cousins who live in another country. I'm sure that they'll love it because they are also interested in significant issues. After visiting the site, I felt like I wanted to write a poem or a story about some of the issues, like disability or women rights.
That is a website. It is amazing how people can express their view on so many topics, without even leaving the website.
I visited the countries map that Emma suggested. It was ever so fascinating!! I visited Jamaica, since we talked about it, and Afghanistan, a country which I'm interested in very recently. I'm going to visit Sudan too, when I get the chance!
Cool, I can't wait to get some global issuses discussions going, and having a way to communicate like this is awesome!
Cool, I can't wait to get some global issuses discussions going, and having a way to communicate like this is awesome!
One anonymous post said that this was a website for pondering, which, making me think as things usually do, comes to make me realize that the website has indeed accomplished one of two goals:
1)To get the message out and make people analyze and think about the data.
However, all fine and dandy, but...
There may be over 300,000 members, and tons of people like us who visit and find the site fascinating.
BUT, like us, they talk about issues and what can be done. How many of these people actually go out and deal with the issues they just so feverently insighted into and discussed?
Rocking On,
"Postman" Craig
P.S. Is ther more than one of us going by the name "Anonymous?" My reasoning says yes, but a conformation here?
You raise some good points Postman Craig. Have you seen the 'Take Action' link? There are some ideas here. I think many people use this site for information and discussion only, but there will always be those few who go further and get involved in a more concrete way. Passive / active roles - different strokes... What do you think?
And yes, there are a few anonymouses!
Good site Ms Watt! It is a great way of knowing things happening that people usually miss in this self-centered world. I showed it to my mom, but she thought I was crazy! I think many people now in this world will think the same way. I learned from the site that the poor or disabled doesn't need pity but understanding. It really makes me think: Can the world do that?
Glad you know EVERYTHING craig!!
really enjoying the boards. There is a place for everything
Awesome site!
Thanks Anonymous for your sarcasm... cough*Emma*cough... darned cold... :)
Hey everyone,
Thanks for your nice comments and feedback. Is there anything you think the site is MISSING when you first visit it that we could add to make the experience easier for people to get into?
Michael Furdyk
Co-founder, TakingITGlobal
Keep up with your great work, Mr. Furdyk! I have to say this is probably one of my top greatest sites of all time. This really helps in creating a global community!
WOW! The gallery is AWESOME! It even has a specail one JUST for women, called To Be A Women. The pictures have meaningful descriptions too and you can read the comments of others as well.
Dear Mr.Furdyk,
I loved the website TakingITGlobal when I first saw it. The layout is awesome and the information being shared is extremely important. However, something that I think the site is missing is a link for younger kids, possibly 7-12. Teenagers are often the target audience for groups sending a message, but I think that many younger children are also interested in the issues you have to present. The only problem is that they may not be able to understand some of the more in-depth pages of information. It's not just little kids either... many adults are interested in topics such as poverty and human rights, but don't have the backround about the issue, or the information about how they can make a difference. I think the site is missing a section with a more simplified layout, as an introduction to all of the wonderful topics you discuss among TakingITGlobal's many links. I'm certain many young people (and those not so young)would find it a valuable resource.
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